LED Contra Angle for NSK CAØ2.35, External Irrigation, 992881
LED Contra Angle with tube for NSK CAØ2.35, External Irrigation, 992882
Fibre Optic Implant Contra Angle 20:1, 992980
LED Implant Contra Angle 20:1, 992981
Slow Speed Contra Angle (4:1), Internal Irrigation, 992860
Air Motor, 2 Holes (B2), Internal Irrigation, 992863
Endo Hand File (0.4mm) for KAVO, Internal Irrigation, 992864
Endo Hand File (1.4mm) for KAVO, Internal Irrigation, 992865
Woodpecker YZ-1L Scaler Handpiece with LED, Compatible with SATELEC, 992855